Jamiel Sheikh

Founder & CEO of Chainhaus,



Jamiel Sheikh is Founder & CEO of Chainhaus, a digital assets advisory and education company focused on decentralized finance and artificial intelligence. He has over 20 years of experience in technology, capital markets, real estate and management. Prior to Chainhaus, Jamiel worked for organizations like Lehman Brothers, JPMorgan, Bank of America, Sun Microsystems, SONY and Citigroup. Jamiel is an adjunct professor at Columbia Business School, NYU and CUNY teaching graduate-level blockchain, AI and data science subjects.

Jamiel is currently authoring a book on decentralized finance and the author of Amazon 100 bestselling Mastering Corda. He runs the Central Bank Digital Currency Think Tank which consists of central bank, academics and IEIs, and Blockchain NYC largest blockchain and digital assets Meetups in NYC consisting of over 10K+ local members and holds marquee conferences like the DEFiiCON, NFT WORLDS, CBDC Summit and DLT Summit. He is board member of the Society of Women Coders, a group that seeks to help young females in underprivileged societies better engage in technology, a cause he is deeply passionate about, and sits on board of advisors of several startups while also mentoring startups in the IBM / Columbia LAUNCH accelerator program.

John’s work has been published in Forbes, TechCrunch, and at the Nasdaq.John is the co-founder of cela, which builds startup accelerators with the world’s most influential institutions. Corporations like Verizon, universities like Harvard, and governmental organizations like the United Nations all work with John and his team to set up their innovation and entrepreneurship programs.

cela has also acclaimed worldwide recognition for setting up the first-ever global summit for accelerator leaders, the cela Summit. The cela Summit has attracted hundreds of speakers, attendees, sponsors, and other partners inside the accelerator industry to come together, collaborate, and move innovation ecosystems forward to better support founders everywhere.



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